Can bagasse be used as boiler fuel? The answer is yes. The bagasse boiler is a distinctive biomass boiler. According to its specific application, it can also be said to be a bagasse biomass power generation boiler. The bagasse boiler is mainly used for power generation, especially large-scale bagasse biomass boiler equipment, such as 75 tons/hour bagasse power generation boiler, 150 tons bagasse boiler, and 180 tons power generation boiler.
Sugarcane is produced in more than 100 countries around the world. The largest sugarcane producing countries are Brazil, India and China. Countries with large planting areas include Cuba, Thailand, Mexico, Australia, and the United States. Bagasse contains 32%-48% cellulose, which is an important biomass energy and renewable energy source. The cane sugar factory can directly use it as a boiler fuel for combustion to generate steam for power generation or direct production, as an energy supply for sugar production.
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